
This version (27 Jul 2023 14:14) was approved by Brandon Bushey.

EVAL-ADICUP3029 User Guide

The EVAL-ADICUP3029 is an Arduino Uno form factor compatible platform based on the industry leading ultra low power ADuCM3029 32-bit ARM Cortex™-M3 microcontroller. The platform is designed to be a development and prototyping vehicle to get customer ideas from concept to production with a minimal risk and faster time to market. The EVAL-ADICUP3029 is designed for IOT (Internet of Things) applications in mind, and therefore comes with on board Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5.0 capabilities. A free version of CrossCore Embedded Studios (an Eclipse based Analog Devices Interactive Development Environment) is supplied to the customer for debugging and application development. Add-on hardware modules, MCU drivers and software application examples help form a complete ecosystem that customers can leverage into their final product.

    1. Deprecated - Wi-Fi Software Pack
resources/eval/user-guides/eval-adicup3029.txt · Last modified: 11 Aug 2022 16:07 by Brandon Bushey