The ADIS1644X/FLEX is a flexible connector that helps connect the ADIS16334, ADIS16445 and ADIS16448 IMUs to the EVAL-ADIS (J4) evaluation system. It also connects these same IMUs to the ADIS16IMU2/PCBZ or ADIS16IMU1/PCBZ breakout boards
When used in conjunction with the ADIS16IMU2/PCBZ, the ADIS1644X/FLEX can connect the ADIS16334, ADIS16445 or ADIS16448 to the EVAL-ADIS or to an embedded processor system. Please see the following picture, which illustrates how each of these components fit together:
Connecting the IMU (ADIS16334, ADIS16445 or ADIS16448), ADIS1644X/FLEX and ADIS16IMU2 together is a very simple two-step process. Please note that the pin numbers markings on the ADIS1644X/FLEX were incorrect in early manufacturing lots. Please ignore the pin number markings on the ADIS1644X/FLEX and use the following instructions to guide the connection process.
The following diagram illustrates the two different connectors on ADIS1644X/FLEX, along with their connections:
The following diagram shows the IMU's interface connector, which the ADIS1644X/FLEX connects with:
The following table shows the correct insertion, along with the three most common incorrect ways to insert the flex onto the IMU's interface connector
The ADIS1644X/FLEX has 20 pins, while J2 on the ADIS16IMU2/PCBZ has 24-pins. Connect the flex to pins 1 through 20 on J2. Pin numbers 1, 2, 23 and 24 are clearly identified on the silk screen, which is associated with J2 on the ADIS16IMU2/PCBZ. The following pictures illustrate the correct insertion alignment for this connection
Here is an example of what this will look like, after finishing these steps: